


1、Evening news is where they begin with ‘Good evening’, and then proceed to tell you why it isn’t.晚間新聞總是以“晚上好”開頭,再告訴你你為什么好不了。

2、做出決定并不困難,困難的是接受決定。The hard part isn’t making the decision. It’s living with it.

3、The difference between giving up and letting go is that giving up is to sacrifice something belongs to you while letting go is to drop those never belong to you.放棄放手的區別:放棄是犧牲本來屬于你的,放手是放下那些從來就不是你的。

4、Even if I had a million reasons to leave you,I would still look for one to stay.縱然有百萬個理由離開,我也會尋找一個理由為你留下。

5、Don’t let the shadows of yesterday spoil the sunshine of tomorrow. Live for today. 不要昨日的陰影破壞了的明日的陽光?;钤诋斚?。

6、I couldn’t help but wonder, no matter how far you travel or how much you run from it, can you ever really escape from your past?我禁不住會想,不管你私奔得多遠,真的可以躲開你的過去嗎?

7、I have never been in a relationship, but still I’ve been broken so many times. 還從未戀愛,卻已心碎過這么多次了。

8、There is always a bit of something hidden when you say “nothing.” /每當你說“沒事”的時候,心里或多或少都藏著點事。

9、Try my best to forgive, do my best to forget. 盡最大努力去寬恕,盡最大的努力去遺忘。

10、Never settle for being someone’s back-up plan. If you’re not their first plan, they don’t deserve you in the first place. 永遠別做別人的備選,如果你不是他們的首選,那他們根本一開始就配不上你。

11、Never take life too seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway. Never take life too casually. Nobody makes an easy one.別把命看得太重,既然來到這個世上就沒打算活著離開。也別把命看得太輕,因為大家活得都挺不容易。

12、Sometimes, be silent not because I don‘t know anything, but because I don’t have any words to say everything. 有時候,沉默不是因為我什么都不知道,而是因為我不需要對所有事情發表意見。

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